11 April 2015

Why should you buy expensive things

I came up to a wonderful thought recently.

I am always dreaming about getting enough income in my future for a "better" life style. I like going to the shops, but I barely buying anything, because I don't have spare money for it and so I am just waiting when my revenue will be enough to afford it all. But recently a thought came to my mind: when I will have enough money for all things I want to buy, there will be no joy for me having it. I mean I value expensive things much more now as I really sacrifice for them.

A week ago I bought Zoella's (british youtuber) book "Girl Online" which costs four times more than an ordinary book. Although as a said it was blooming expensive I've never regret it. For me that price consists of interesting plot, joy of reading book author I know, story of the main character easy to understand (because I am a blogger myself), an excitement of finding British rare book here in Russia and finally the ownership of an expensive stuff. The trick is that I probably would not be able feel these full range of feelings if it was cheap and easy achievable for me. Do you get what I mean?)

So my thought of these week was that if you really want smth expensive, you should buy it. Because if you will only wait for the better times, you will miss all the joe of owning the stuff you want lots.

I made an agreement with myself: I should go and buy some nice piece of cloth to remind me of that nice conclusion.

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