16 April 2015

Essie collection

Can I just be silly and make a post about nail polishes? I guess:)

Essie is my ultimate favorite nail polish in the world. Yes, they are pretty expensive, and please don't think of me as a rich girl, because I am definitely not. 

I saw a lot of nice pictures in the internet with essie polishes. I was dreaming for so long to have money to buy it sometimes in the future, but they cost 3times more than any other brand of nail polish. One day 3 years ago a thought stroke me: "darling, you drink a cup of starbucks coffee for that price, so why wouldn't you once instead of coffee buy a thing you've wanted for so long?". And that's what I did.  

My first essie nail polish was in color "Lady like". I was deliberating for a long time in the shop, before I choose one. I have never thought I could be so happy because of nail polish. The color was so pretty I couldn't get my eyes off my nails. "Lady like" is still one of my the most  favorite one, and I just bought a new one, because mine was about to be over (which never happened to me before :) )

Now I am happy to have a collection of 10 different color of essie nail polishes ( on this picture only 9, missing "Mint apple" one). And can I just say how awesome their names are!!! "Sand Tropez", "Splash of Grenadine", "Status Symbol", "Jiggle hi Jiggle low", "Back in limo", "Lilacism" and others! I literally can buy a nail polish for its cool name ( I know that's not right, but I can't help it haha). 

So if there is anyone who is obsessed with essie too, please let me know your favorite color! ❤️

11 April 2015

Why should you buy expensive things

I came up to a wonderful thought recently.

I am always dreaming about getting enough income in my future for a "better" life style. I like going to the shops, but I barely buying anything, because I don't have spare money for it and so I am just waiting when my revenue will be enough to afford it all. But recently a thought came to my mind: when I will have enough money for all things I want to buy, there will be no joy for me having it. I mean I value expensive things much more now as I really sacrifice for them.

A week ago I bought Zoella's (british youtuber) book "Girl Online" which costs four times more than an ordinary book. Although as a said it was blooming expensive I've never regret it. For me that price consists of interesting plot, joy of reading book author I know, story of the main character easy to understand (because I am a blogger myself), an excitement of finding British rare book here in Russia and finally the ownership of an expensive stuff. The trick is that I probably would not be able feel these full range of feelings if it was cheap and easy achievable for me. Do you get what I mean?)

So my thought of these week was that if you really want smth expensive, you should buy it. Because if you will only wait for the better times, you will miss all the joe of owning the stuff you want lots.

I made an agreement with myself: I should go and buy some nice piece of cloth to remind me of that nice conclusion.

08 April 2015

Losing weight

Like almost every teenage girl doing sports, I have issues with my weight. 

Currently I am doing cheerleading, where boys suppose to throw me while I am doing a backflip and so on. To be a "flyer" in cheerleading (a person to be thrown, not handing) you suppose to weight under 50kg. My weight was 49 kg. JUST 2 DAYS AGO. Just now before my evening training I am 52.2!!!!!!! I mean how is that even possible?! 

So my problem is now to get ride of at least two kg before cheer performance on Saturday. To do this I am aiming to:

1) eat nothing after training today (only water excepted)
2) on the breakfast tomorrow have just coffee
3) three hours after have an boiled egg 
4) two hours after have a 100g of cream cheese and a green tea  

07 April 2015

How to be a millionaire

So, what excatly happens between "graduation" and "luxury life of top manager"? 
All I could get so far is that none of the "cool" company wants a last-grade student with no practical experience. That's lead me to either small firms, where I could've collected some missing experience or internership in big companies with 137 stages of selection before you get there. 

So here I am sitting and doing nothing, because I can't think of more ways to build my career so far. 

Well not excatly doing nothing... I still have to graduate from my university, that means that I'd better start writing my finale paper. And I'm also planning to go to master degree program in the best university of my country, so I better be preparing for entering exams. 

Yet, there is no point in this whole education, when I can't get a job. 

Problems of 20-year-old.

I thought that after graduation life gets pretty clear. You have a job, a love of your life, a home and a pretty clear understanding of what you are doing. I am a 22 years old girl, I have no home, no job, I don't want to marry guy I'm dating for three years and I'm totally have no idea what to do after my graduation. I am scared because I am not 18 yet and I have no time to search the path of my life. I should be making it now.